Active Threat Training
Be Prepared
Before Problems Arise.
Law Enforcement, Military, Civilian, and Corporate Training and Consulting.
Elite Edge Training and Consulting offers comprehensive active threat training.
Define Active Threat and Case Studies
Identify Considerations During Active Threat: Locate, Isolate, Contain, Neutralize
Physiological and Psychological Effects
Techniques for Approach Room Entry, and Clearing Procedures (Stimulus, Indicators)
Techniques Associated with Clearing Hallways and Stairwells
Single Officer Response/Link up
EOD/IED Considerations
Post Engagement Considerations (“TW-SICM”)
Law Enforcement/Military
Civilian/Corporate Environment Recognition
Define Active Threat and Case Studies
Recognition of Predisposing factors/perceptions
Recognition of Active Threat event
Evaluate, Plan, Execute
Run, Hide, Fight
Run: if you can evade, do so; know your routes; pass on intelligence
Hide: barricade/harden your position; tools (locks/door jams/etc.)
Fight: Training, weapons available (body/environment), target areas, mindset
Law Enforcement Response
Weapons Availability: on person, in environment